Thursday, July 07, 2005

Order out of chaos

Cluttered. My mind, my room, my life...I've been trying to clean it all up, but I get so tired very easily these days. That's why I fall asleep if given the opportunity (sorry,'s true). I can't handle as much as I used to, so I've been MIA for a while now. Just figuring out what to keep and what to let go of - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Ever since I got sick, I've had to slow down, and honestly it's been a real drag. That's my pride talking because I've had a hard time accepting that I can't run around like I'm Superwoman anymore (that's the nickname the Kappas gave me when I was on their cabinet and PAC cabinet). But like Mommy always tells me, part of learning humility is knowing your limits and sticking to them.

I remember the days when I used to hang out all day and all night with my until the break of dawn and watch the sunrise over the 3-4 nights a week (which I do not recommend for anyone) two jobs as a full-time college student with meetings to run, events to go to and PCN practices to coordinate. Do I wish my life could go back to that? Nope...not hardly. I'm getting used to living the life of a turtle. =) Besides, turtles live longer than hares (which are rabbits, in case you didn't know).

So nowadays I get up at 5am and I'm at work by 6:30 or 7...teach my four classes of Reading in the Freshman Summer Program at Verb...go home and sleep for a few hours...and work on random things here and there, possibly fitting in a friend hangout every once in a while if Gary's not in town. Then it's journaling to keep conversation going between me and God, and to end the night I call Mr. Dyogi to catch up and pray before going to sleep. That's it. Not very exciting to most people, but I must say that it's quite peaceful. I do need to get back to going to Mass again during the week. I just get really tired in the afternoon that once I'm home, it's hard to get me out again.

It's nice when I can fit in a prayer meeting at least once a week. I still have yet to join my sisters again for HoW, but the SH prayer meetings that I've gone to lately have been very helpful, not to mention incredibly inspiring.

I do apologize to all of you who I haven't seen in a while. Spontaneous headaches or the sudden onset of extreme fatigue sometimes keep me from being faithful to my social commitments. Just so you know, I'm not being flakey on purpose. I really miss you!

Once I get this whole "BALANCE" business under my belt, hopefully I'll be around more. Until then, please keep me in your prayers and I will definitely keep you in mine, yeah? =)

Praise God in all things...AMEN!