Sunday, April 18, 2010


"You should resign yourself perfectly into the hands of God. When you have done your best in carrying out your design He will be pleased to accept everything you do, even though it be something less good. You cannot please God better than by sacrificing to Him your will, and remaining in tranquility, humility and devotion, entirely reconciled and submissive to His divine will and good pleasure. You will be able to recognize these plainly enough when you find that notwithstanding all your efforts it is impossible for you to gratify your wishes.

For God in His infinite goodness sometimes sees fit to test our courage and love by depriving us of the things which it seems to us would be advantageous to our souls; and if He finds us very earnest in our pursuit, yet humble, tranquil and resigned to do without them if He wishes us to, He will give us more blessings than we should have had in the possession of what we craved. God loves those who at all times and in all circumstances can say to Him simply and heartily: THY WILL BE DONE."

- St. Francis de Sales