Thursday, May 12, 2005


It was Free Dress Hawaiian Day at work...we told the guys the whole faculty and staff at Verbum Dei is going to Hawaii as soon as school gets out...oh how I wish, I wish, I wish...

Will someone please get me on a plane to the islands?

It was the peacock a couple of weeks ago that started this whole thing...then seeing everyone in their Aloha shirts and leis...not to mention the pina coladas in the Faculty Lounge after school (hey, I only had one).

"I wanna go back to my little grass shack in old Hawaii..."

I picked up our bridesmaids dresses for Jenn's wedding today...they're so cute! Mine is different from everyone else's...same color...longer...yay =) I can't believe it's only two weeks away. It's been great hanging out with the Monks more often. My mom just found out today that we call ourselves "Monks" and why...haha...after all these years... We'll all see each other tomorrow again to finalize the shoe deal (hopefully). It's nice that this wedding has brought us back together. I love those girls.
And I miss my boyfriend. Like you said, Gary, it's hard but this is how it is. Thinking about you lots, though...especially after all of our great talks and quality time before you left. Soon enough we'll have the summer to hit our movie list and places-to-go list. How fun that's gonna be...but then no matter what we do (or don't do), it's always a great time. And someday we'll actually get around to reading through the Bible. Wow, progress, huh? Emails, once-in-a-blue-moon phone calls, random hangouts, Monday Masses, nightly prayer, God-given moments that seem to leave us speechless. Not having you here to just say hi or call me at night has been weird, but it is helping me appreciate this a whole lot more. Lyn-Lyn asked me today if you were back yet and it made me a little sad, but I'll be okay. =)
So I've been spending a lot of time with Jesus...definitely a good thing. Work, rest, Mass, Chastity Retreat, sleep. Monday ended early with our AFF session about how tired we are by this time of the was a good "release" w/everyone. On Tuesday, Jana and I went to meet with the Director of Liturgy at the OLA Cathedral to discuss graduation next month. The place is way huge for a class of 41, but for one reason or another, we got it there...first one ever in the archdiocese, too. Please pray that the boys behave. =) Lector meeting with Danny that night (which really helped me reflect better for tonight's Mass) and grabbed something to eat afterwards w/Ray since we were both hungry. Good convo...helped me remind myself of what's expected of me...that God always has to come first and everything else will fall into place when you're faithful to what He wants for you. Emotionally speaking, it's been quite a roller coaster (that was my Wednesday), but praise God for coworkers who understand and share in the common heartache. It only hurts when you really love. I guess I realized how much I do...
Okay, time to get ready for Mass.
Jesus is WONDERFUL. I love every moment I spend with Him. And that desperate dependence on Him I was talking about that I thought I needed to feel...well, yeah, He let me feel it. That's what brought me back. Lots of good coming out nowadays in my own life and those around me. We just have to look for it, that's all.
Really...I'm going now...