Saturday, April 30, 2005

Everything is an offering

All of it...joys and pain...passing through the hands of Mary to Jesus who then gives it to the Father.

Tonight I look at myself and don't really know what to say. Maybe I don't have to say anything because I've said too much already.

We all stumble around, trying to figure life out, but sometimes you just have to accept that you don't have all the answers. You don't always know what to do in every situation. You don't always have the right words or the right attitude or the right anything. Everything you do seems all wrong.

But God...He still loves us. No matter what we've matter how many times we've tripped and fallen down...He's right there with an outstretched hand, picking us up and drawing us into His arms.

How do I know this?

Because I see bits and pieces of His love reflected in my family. It's that unconditional support and acceptance...the love that flows so freely from their hearts, even if we have years of emotional struggle behind us.

I see it in the people who don't even know me, but do everything they can to reach out and say thank you, or to share their experiences with me because they somehow connect with mine.

It's in my friends who are always spiritually beside me carrying me with their prayers...who will see me through the thick and thicker...who do their best to understand the hard-to-understand in me.

It comes to me through Gary whose steadfast commitment has shown me that no amount of fear or doubt or worry can stop what God calls him to do for me. I hear the voice of Jesus as Gary speaks to me, saying, "I'm not getting off this cross."

So many graces abound, and it's my only protection from the enemy's attacks...graces that come through the prayers of everyone I know, prayers of the saints, prayers of Our Blessed Mother.

As much as I much as the insecurities start to creep in, all of this love crowds the darkness out.


  • I saw a peacock today. Yeah, in real life. Like right in front of me.
  • My mom is notorious for introducing S/saints into my life - through her I have met Mama Mary, Pope John Paul II, St. Therese, St. Gianna Molla, my dad, Uncle Tony, Auntie Vicky, Mother Angelica, St. Maximillian Kolbe, St. Faustina, and my brother and sisters
  • I praise God for Joshua Harris and everything he believes in.
  • Everyone has a story that seems so ordinary to them but becomes extraordinary to those who hear it.
  • Prayers really do work...thanks, everyone.
  • Sometimes what you plan is replaced by something so much better.
  • Suffering well can get another soul into heaven and you might not even know it.
  • Prejudging people is dangerous. Ask always for the eyes of God when encountering another human being.
  • EWTN is the best channel ever...and it was founded on a miracle.

Thank you, St. Anthony, for helping me find the pieces of my broken spirit. This day was AWESOME just because I know that Jesus was with each person I saw and spoke to. I didn't even have to look very far because they were either a visit or a phone call away.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning and ever shall be world without end. Amen.