Friday, February 13, 2004

My dear Sam...
Happy 27th birthday to Jennifer Felisan! Wow, we go way back...meeting through her cousin Roland (my ditching-school-to-eat-churros buddy) in 1995...doing all that PAC stuff together...founding Kappa Psi Epsilon together...having the tightest KPsiE Exec Board ever (no offense to the younger girls but the b.anne-elle-jenn-chel combo was dope)...Palm Springs retreat outside at the jacuzzi of Barcelona 1...oh man, that's when it all started...San Diego hotel on the beach (is that jenn writing our letters in seaweed?)...sharing the loss of our dads...all the Monks events and weekend trips...confession at St. John Vianney and eating at The Boat as a reward after (yes, absolution was great but thai food made it even better!)...OHIO (girl, you flew all the way out there just for me, dang...another reason why I need to get a book written)...being on the plane and hearing you say, "I will miss the Shire, Frodo", and so the Fellowship began with the two of us...of course, there's our friend, John, who we found behind the church, remember?...going to Roland's birthday party as Crouching Tiger girls...meeting dave for the first time and being SOOOO happy for you...our "How do you do it, b.anne?" IM conversation (hahaha...yeah, hi to you, too, jenn!)...growing closer to God and closer to each other...
You have done so much for me, I will never have the words to express how grateful I am for a friend like you. You've been there through EVERYTHING and I can't imagine how I could have survived it all without you. Thank you for taking care of me and my family...for joining us at St. Pius and serving for SH as long as you could...for warning me about coming home and possibly getting in trouble, hehe. You are truly one-of-a-kind, and everyone around you knows it. Thanks for all the laughs...for all the talks...for all of the letters on Wonder Woman stationery you send to me. =) Thank you for the hope you inspire in me and for the smiles you spark in us all. God only knows how much I miss you...
So I'll be seeing you soon...more memories to make as life takes us further down the road where every day is always an adventure for Frodo and Sam. I love you so much, Jenn...
"I made a promise, Mr. Frodo! A promise! Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee! And I don't mean to. I don't mean to." - Sam