Saturday, December 25, 2004

Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary

You don't know what to say because there is nothing to say. You just give...offer...surrender...sacrifice. Take your heart and simply place it in the hands of Mary so that she will generously pass it on to Jesus. She does not hold anything for herself, and in this is your great example.

This is what you are doing for young Jeremiah. It is what you shall do for every single person in your life.

The most beautiful act of charity is bringing a soul to Christ. Here God has granted you a way in which you can do so with anyone you wish. Use it. Propogate it. Teach others about it so that they, too, will reap the Fruit of the Tree. Pray that many people will find the value, consolation and joy in belonging to Jesus and Mary.

It is very appropriate that your date of consecration is Christmas Day because it is a gift you give to the two most wonderful people who ever lived. You are coming back to its true meaning by celebrating the Celebrant and honoring the Woman whose "Yes" made it all possible.

There is still much work to do in your heart, as you have been feeling discouraged by your own failings, but know that you are resting in the mercy of God. When Peter approached Mary in sorrow for his denial of Jesus, he was giving himself to her so that he may come back to Him. You will make mistakes. You will not always love as you should. But every time you, too, approach Mary with a contrite spirit, she will help you overcome the disappointment you have in yourself...the heavy sadness that tempts you to feel you cannot ever be a saint.

The key to all this, little one, is prayer. Prayer, remember, is simply lifting your heart to God with all its hopes and aspirations...with all its joys and sorrows...successes and apparent failures. When you pray, God cannot help but hear you because He loves you. He will never be deaf to your cry. The Father most especially looks upon you with so much joy when you remember Him and His goodness.

Be patient with yourself, and be patient with others. You know what you were all made to be but only God knows what each soul needs to be purified. Temptation and sin are very real. The spiritual battle over souls wages on. But trust and believe that even as you are wounded...even when you are lost...He lays His claim on you.

Virtue is your weapon, your shield, your inspiration, and your prize because in attaining virtue you reach Christ and fight valiantly for Him.

You try your best and that's all you can really give. Criticize yourself less and praise Him more. Be mindful of your sins and root them out, but always fill the holes with the great love He has for you. Do not give the enemy room to plant more weeds.

The fastest way he extinguishes the light of God in your soul is to make you believe that it isn't there.

There is only one Truth and it is Christ. You belong to Him and His Mother. You were made by a God who has given you more than anyone in this world ever can. You are supported by all the faithful saints who have gone before you...who journeyed as you are in the grace of God through this pilgrim country to the eternal Homeland.

Your strength is in your God. Your consolation is in His Mother. Your power is in His Spirit. Your destination is His dwelling place. Each step of the pathway is your "fiat".