Sunday, November 21, 2004

No one is so perfect and holy so as sometimes not to have temptations

This is a fact you must accept. Temptation will always be part of your life somehow. Do not belittle yourself because you continue to face it, and please do not beat yourself up because you succumb to it in your own weakness. Jesus has died to free you from your sins. Trust in His mercy and know that He is there to pull you back up. You simply have to reach for His hand, as Peter did when he lost his faith and his focus. Holy men and women have struggled in the fight against temptation and overcome it by the grace of God. It is enough...His grace. Sufficient for you, right?

You now feel a different kind of pain when you fall spiritually. It hurts deeply, doesn't it? Your own pride is shot down because you are able to see the offense almost immediately after you commit it...and you feels as though you're crumbling to the ground. The "temple of self" you were building was set on quicksand and you find your own ego sinking fast. It wouldn't have been able to withstand the pressures of the world anyway. Start over. Let God be the Master Builder and move over so He can restore His temple.

Christ can be your king only when you are honest with Him and with yourself. If you do not worship Him, you are sadly an idolator...serving other gods that have no power in and of themselves. So it is important that you admit that you have replaced Him with substitutes. Whatever suffering you are allowed, acknowledge that you do deserve worse for what you have contributed to His crucifixion. This is the justice and the mercy of God given to you at the same time. Yet the hardships that may be seen as punishments are actually gifts because they draw closer to the One who loves you. Only good things come from the hand of the Lord.

"If you love me you will keep My commandments; and I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper to be with you forever, that Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know him for He is with you and will be in you." (Jn 14:15-17)