Friday, November 19, 2004

Judge not and you shall not be judged

What good is it to point out the faults of others? Has it ever helped you when others put you under the microscope and scrutinized your every word and deed? Seek to understand them, little one. Show them kindness as you have learned it from those who truly love you. What have you needed?

loving reproach

So give away freely and abundantly all that you have received from God. At the end of his life, each will be judged accordinging to love. It is not your responsibility to determine the state another's heart. You don't know his motives, nor are you fully aware of all the circumstances that lead him to his decisions. You are not called to interpret the actions of your brothers and sisters, thus bringing condemnation upon them.

But you are called to love. Every moment in this life is a thread in the fabric of life being woven by God to add to the beauty of the human tapestry. Your role in the lives of others is simply to remind them that they are loved by the Father, saved by the Son, empowered by the Holy Spirit, sustained by grace, and supported by Mary and the Saints. Be a help rather than a hindrance. The road is long and narrow, and it is definitely not easy. You will need as much of all that LOVE is as you travel together on this pilgrim journey.

And pray! Whatever you lack, God will supply. He will not leave you empty-handed. Give Him your nothing and He will provide you with everything. He hears your every plea and cry. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Notice, however, that you are the one who must initiate. Our Lord will not force Himself into your life. You must invite Him in each day. Yes...each and every day. In all that you all that you all that you feel and think about. He wants to be there with you all the time. Who has ever adored you so much that they have shown you such attention? He only asks that you let Him love you...that you take in the many ways He reveals His presence to you.

Please don't shut Him out anymore. Please don't ignore Him when He tries to talk to you. Please don't leave Him waiting outside the door of your heart. Lately, you've preferred the company of others to Him. You've entertained distractions that have deafened your ear to His voice. There was a time when you used to talk to Him all the time, but it's been a while. He misses you. What do you think? Would you like to try again?