Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Baby Think It Over

I used to work for March of Dimes a long time ago and would go to junior highs and high schools all over the OC with these dolls. This article makes a really good can read for yourself...

Catholic Schools Rethink the Use of Dolls to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

Especially when I'm back to square one with another newborn baby while trying to figure out how to raise a toddler, I have days when I honestly have to remind myself that children are NOT a burden but the greatest gift anyone could ever have. I hate that I don't always remember that when Gary and I are running off of just a few hours sleep each night...but this is where I've been during the past month and a half.

Don't get me wrong. I LOOOOOOOVE my little girls so much...even when Meleana is in time out and I'm having to hold her poor little screaming body at arm's length so she understands that she cannot talk back or do things she knows she is not supposed to do. I wouldn't trade the experience of being a parent for anything in the world. When I come back to the reason why I wanted to be a mother in the first heartbroken I was when we lost our first much laughter and love our firstborn brings into our our second daughter smiles at me with her chubby little cheeks...I thank God for all of it. ALL OF IT. Yes, even the hard days.

So basically what I'm saying is that we need to teach our young people who may be parents some day that while parenting is a HUGE responsibility, it is also an incredible JOY. I'm glad I got to read this article before putting my Family Life units together for my students in the junior high. I need all the positive messages I can get because exhaustion makes me...umm...not positive.

I wanted to do an update since the last post, but that'll have to wait for another day. Gotta get home to mi familia...