Friday, March 18, 2005

Cutie pie

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Ninang Em: Leilani, why are you so cute?
Leilani: 'Cause I'm a kid!

I love my niece.

Best things about her:
  • sense of humor
  • generosity
  • faith
  • affection
  • all around cuteness

Favorite memories:

  • watching Stations of the Cross at Mission San Luis Rey on Good Friday 2003
  • going to meet Mother Angelica in 2003 (Feast of Corpus Christi)
  • swimming at Sunset Beach in North Shore, Oahu
  • sharing our love for the violin guy at Downtown Disney after eating pretzels and ice cream
  • all the hugs and kisses before I leave for work

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Unforgettable lines:

  • "Tita B.anne, why does your car have ears?" (in reference to the sideview mirrors)
  • "I can carry a little cross..."
  • "I'm kissing Jesus' owies."
  • (picking up her play phone) "I'm gonna call Lolo in Heaven."
  • (showing me a picture of a little hand with red speckles and a hole in the middle) "Look, Tita B.anne, I drew this myself. It's Jesus' hand. I cut it myself, too. Here, you can have it."

What we love doing together:

  • going to Mass at SPC
  • playing at the beach
  • watching Finding Nemo ("just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...")
  • getting boba
  • listening to my Jesus story CD on our drives to church

Thank you, Lord, for giving me such a great sidekick. She's the best. =)

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