Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just let it out!

I used to be really good at holding things in. When something would bother me, I wouldn't want to let the other person know because I figured that if I said anything, they would a) get mad at me, or b) think I was being stupid. Some years ago, 90% of the time this was as time went by, I just learned to keep my mouth shut and no one ever knew anything was wrong.

Now that I'm older (and a little wiser), I know that it's best to try and communicate how I am feeling because I remember that when I'd just stuff my issues away, they'd eventually blow up in my face...or rather at the person I was upset with. It's really nice to be open and have a good, productive conversation about how a situation can improve if both parties are willing to listen to one another.

Thank God for the grace to spill my guts without running into a brick wall or having it get emotionally messy. Gary noticed I'm getting better at it.

I also very much appreciate the fact that SPC has confession every day. I just went last Saturday and needed to go again yesterday because I uncovered MORE issues I was dealing with...stuff from the past that I never let go of. It felt great to be see Fr. Ed again and get his visit Jesus and hang out with Meleana in the courtyard.

Sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. I've been super-busy working on this ePortfolio for my credential. It's a lot of work but definitely a GREAT way to reflect on my career and what I do for my kids. I'll share it with you guys when I'm done!

Before I go, I have to give you a Meleana update. As of today, she...

  • climbs up and down the futon all by herself
  • stands by herself for a few seconds with a huge smile on her face and her hands above her head to keep herself from falling over
  • takes my hands and makes me clap for her when she knows she did something to be proud of
  • takes my hands and squishes my cheeks...she loves it when I make a chipmunk face and she pushes the air out of my mouth
  • can now find me in the bedroom when she knows I'm in there working
  • does this feet-stomping dance, like she's in a hillbilly ho-down
  • crawls away when we try to change her diaper...I am now mastering the lap change
  • tried to feed me her bottle...haha =)

Amazing how she's growing so fast. I will be so sad when summer is over, but I'm very, very grateful that I've had these past couple of months to spend with her and Gary. Teacher vacations are AWESOME. But of course, being home with her full-time will be AWESOM-ER!! =) God willing, someday soon...


Eileen said...

Hi Banne!

It's been so long. I'm glad all is well w/you and your family. I'll be done with my masters on Aug. 14th. Maybe we can hang out after that?

Prayers always,

Em said...

Good entry... God definitely gave us a voice to communicate and express our thoughts and feelings. Thank God he also taught us how to be respectful and loving at the same time!

I love Meleana! She is so beautiful and I wish I can see all those things she is doing! It's great to see her crawling around. I bet you have it all on video though!

ja$on said...

aww ha how cute!

Joy...Grace...Hope said...

re: Ei - Yes, I would love to hang out after you're done! Just give me a call!

re: Em - she's definitely more carefree and active when she's at home. i have to learn how to make youtube videos so i can show you!