Sunday, July 13, 2008

The best things in life are free

So they say you have to have the big bucks to "live the good life", but I beg to differ. I think it's so awesome how the simplest things can make us happy and they don't even cost a dime. Hanging out with family, taking a nap with your kiddo, or joyfully anticipating the birth of a child...these are just some things that some of you have recently talked about...special moments that a million dollars could never buy. The smile of our own little girl is absolutely priceless, and it's so wonderful that even strangers will take the time to say hi to her and see her face brighten up.

God is so good to bless us so much. At Mass today I thanked Him for the free gift of Himself in the Eucharist...the sustenance for our souls...for the life of grace He so generously pours upon us. I really don't think it's possible to have such appreciation for these gifts without faith in God. That's why we are so grateful to have family and friends who share our beliefs and remind us that we should never take the little things for granted.

If we can experience this kind of happiness and peace now, just imagine what Heaven will be like...


Em said...

Ahhh! You blogged! I haven't got to check and I had three entries to read :) such a cute little girl... It's so exciting to hear about her growing up and moving around. She's her own little person :)