Thursday, July 23, 2009

Grace is flowing like a river

I just got done chatting with one of my former students from St. Paul of the Cross.  She found me on Yahoo!  and we got to talking...I haven't seen her in 5 years, and she's starting her first year in college!  It was a really nice dialogue...very God-centered...and I was so happy to know that she was doing so well.

Funny thing that I mentioned Gary working at LMU and she was floored because that's where she wanted to go...also to be an athletic trainer!  So I suggested that they talk so she can learn more about the different routes she can take.   It was just weird how I was just thinking of her the other day, and she said she was thinking of me, too...then all of a sudden she gets in contact with me!

It's been such a blessed summer.  So many things have the point that it's been almost overwhelming in a good way.  Making rosaries...teaching a couple of my students and a grandma...knowing that they want to continue and show others how to make them...coming back to SJS and seeing kids loving to learn during VACATION!...being inspired by friends...learning to dance for GOD...anticipating new additions to the family...

But alas I must go to sleep now,  More rosary making plus a doctor's appointment in the morning, and hula practice at we're up for another long day.

Good night! =)