Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Gobble Gobble!

People send the funniest mass text messages on Thanksgiving. =)

I'm sitting at my mom's house waiting for my corn casserole to bake, so I thought I'd blog a bit. We split up the menu because there just wouldn't be enough time to cook all the dishes ourselves. So Gary and I picked the menu, printed out the recipes, bought the ingredients, and distributed everything among my family.

Here's what we're going to eat tonight...

  • Turkey
  • Apple and Pecan Stuffing
  • Spinach-Green Bean Casserole
  • Corn Casserole
  • Pumpkin Gooey (kinda like pumpkin pie)
  • Em's Pumpkin bread

We got the Corn Casserole and Pumpkin Gooey from Gary's friend Janina when his friends got together for their annual Thanksgiving potluck earlier this month. They were so good, we had to share them with the family. I'm so not the cook, but my husband definitely inspires me to try a few new things because HE'S so excited about the food. =)

A part of me is sad that our family is not complete tonight. In a perfect world - at least from my perspective - things would be different. But I can only say a prayer that one day, we'll all be celebrating together in the heavenly Banquet prepared for us by the Lord.


On another note, I finally got to see Dr. Wallace yesterday for an appointment. He's the doctor who wrote The Lupus Book, recommended to me by one of the mom's of two of my former students. I was hesitant to contact him because my case isn't extremely serious, and I figured he'd be super-busy, but my coworkers reminded me that I need to get whatever care it takes to get me back to 100% - especially since I'm pregnant.

So Gary, Meleana, and I drove to his office across from Cedar-Sinai, and there wasn't even a wait! I was shocked, simply because my last specialist was always overbooked and I had to wait at least 45 min to an hour just to see him for 10 minutes all the way in Santa Ana. Particularly impressive was the fact that he did a FULL exam, and I was able to get my blood drawn right there in the office. Apparently he treats Paula Abdul and a few other celebrities struggling with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and fibromyaligia - so he's gotta be the best of the best in his field.

I felt really good leaving his office because he definitely knows what he's doing. Praise God...

Happy Thanksgiving!