Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Summer!

To mark the beginning of summer, Yahoo's logo has this super-cool animated picture with kids going through a Slip-n-Slide. If you place the cursor over it, the sprinklers turn on and you see the kids one by one running and sliding across the screen. It reminds me of the summer days when we would go to our cousins' house in West Covina and play Slip-n-Slide in their front yard. Those were the days... =)

I haven't blogged in a while, so I must wish my sister and BiL happy belated birthdays, plus the rest of the June birthday gang (there are so many of you!). Happy belated Father's Day also to Rob, Mike, Mo, and Gary, of course!

These last few weeks have been incredibly busy with the end-of-the-year wrap up and my last Masters class. There were moments I didn't think I'd be able to pull it off, but thanks be to God for the strength and stamina to get through it. Now all I have to do is write my final comprehensive paper, complete my portfolio, do my 60 hours of public school observation, and finish the TPAs in the fall. Sounds like a lot, but after 2 years in the program, this last home stretch is a relief.

I would NEVER have been able to do it all without Gary. He's watched the baby while I've had to go to work and while I've written papers...made her baby food and changed her diapers...washed bottles and did her laundry...put her to sleep when she wanted to stay up later than up in the middle of the night when she needed to eat...took multiple hits when she couldn't hold her food down during her coughing fits...brought her to the doctor and gave her medicine when she'd fight against it...cooked dinner every night...all with a smile on his face (when he wasn't extremely exhausted!)... He's just amazing.

This past week Gary went to St. Louis for his Athletic Training convention. It was my first time alone with Meleana for longer than a day, and I'm glad that it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be without him. We had a lot of fun together...lots of good quality Mommy-and-Daughter time. We did miss him, though, and I wouldn't want the trips to be a regular occurrence like they were before. So ironic that it was just a couple of years ago when we were having conversations about a not-so-remote possibility that he could work for the Lakers...that it had always been his dream as a trainer to go Pro...not ever imagining that he would leave his job at a Division I school and give up his career to stay home and take care of our baby.

While we now talk about different options for him as we're looking to make the switch after this coming school year, he told me that his passion right now is Meleana. He will eventually go back to work, but he really is good at what he does at home. There was a recent segment on stay-at-home dads on ABC, and I wish that they took more time to give the world a better glimpse into the lives of these men. It's a huge sacrifice for them to take on a non-traditional role and care for their children while their wives are at work. I think I truly appreciate the effort I see from the stay-at-home dads because my dad took care of us during the times when he couldn't work. It was a little different for him because it wasn't so much of a choice (he really wanted to work), but Daddy did a wonderful job with us - which is why I had such a great relationship with him.

Last night we drove to Oxnard for our Uncle Lew's graduation party. The one-man-band was playing all kinds of music and Gary took Meleana out on the dance floor. I must say that it was one of most touching sights I have ever seen. It reminded me of my dad who used to dance around with me and try to teach me how to waltz when I was older. Gary said that he hoped I didn't feel left out, but I told him that I wanted to cry (in a good way) when I watched the two of them.

Sometimes I look back and wonder how I got here. I remember how much I would long to be a sit in the choir and pray with the kneel in front of the Tabernacle every night to say good night to serve and love the Lord as my spouse and only love. But when God gives me moments to cherish with my husband and child...when I see my little girl smiling at me with her crinkled little nose...when she falls asleep peacefully in my lap just as she is now...I cannot second guess His plan for my life because it definitely is just as beautiful.


Em said...

Nice blog sister...

Gary is a really good dad :)