Sunday, December 13, 2009

Advent - A Time of Waiting

...lots of waiting. For what?

  • answers to questions about my health
  • God's will regarding work and ministry
  • this flu to be over
I just remembered that the vice I put on the board on the first week of Advent was impatience. I told the 6th graders, "The goal for all of us is to be holier on Christmas day than we were when Advent began. We all have things we want to change. Look at all the vices we listed - one from each of us. How horrible this world would be if we never changed these things. But look at all the opposite virtues! If we can reach these, by the grace of God, we'd all be saints!"

I should really listen to myself. Sometimes I have to be my own student. It'll save me a whole lot of frustration. =)