You don't have to "keep up", for what are you keeping up with? Reflect on what is really important to God and let those things things be important to you.
salvation + all that leads you to Heaven = eternal joy with Him
Accept whatever comes to you. If it is allowed by God, He wants to grant you graces through it. If it is a blessing, do not be afraid of receiving it out of selfishness. If it comes in the form of a cross, do not abhor it or run away from it. Our Lord seeks to form you and bring you into a deeper trust in Him through everything in your life. Even the bad choices you make can be transformed into lessons of humility, for all things work for the good of those who love Him.
Make these vows your own. Lift up your heart and allow God to fill it with the strength to live them out. In your current state of life, He seeks to be your everything. In this life, accumulate only what is necessary. Rid yourself of excesses, so that you are trusting all to the providence of God. Be pure of heart, never giving room to anything that contaminates your soul. When the Father draws you into the desert, listen in silence as Elijah did for the gentle breeze. You are not alone, therefore there is no reason to feel lonely. God is with you. God is always with you.
"Naked I came from my mother's womb, naked shall I return. Yahweh gave, Yahweh has taken away. Blessed be His Name!" (Job 2:21)
In Search of Me and Finding More of HIM
7 years ago
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