Years ago you had heard this come as prophecy to another soul very close to your own. Many of you were aware of this and have used it as a measuring stick for his actions both seen and heard of. But what about you, dear child? This word was not just for one but for all. How do you measure up? God does not call you to compare yourself to others, saying, "I am not as bad as she or he is." Your standard is Christ who is the perfect revelation of the Father. All fall short of the glory of God. A seemingly impossible bar to reach as we all make mistakes but a definite reality if one immerses himself in the love of God and the power of the Spirit.
This passage speaks of humility although the word is never mentioned. Pray in silence behind closed doors, using few words uttered to God. Why so? He knows what you need even before you ask. Less talking on your behalf leads to a greater openness to what He has to say to you and what He wants to do in your heart. When serving the Lord, do not proclaim the works that you do. Your example alone will bring glory to the name of the Lord without you having to say anything. This is His kingdom that is to be built, not your own. Move quietly and you will move mountains. Remember, your name will save no one, but when you do speak, if you witness to the miracles of Jesus Christ and the redemption He offers to all mankind, you will live your life populating Heaven.
Holy as He is holy means being filled with...
- love (1 Corinthians 13)
- obedience
- humility
- justice and righteousness
- mercy
To oppose this standard means being filled with...
- impatience, jealousy, envy, anger, rash judgment
- disobedience and rebellion
- pride and self-sufficiency
- oppression of others, gossip and slander
- resentment and unforgiveness
"Lovers of your Law have found great peace; nothing can make them stumble, not even distress." (Ps 119:165)
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