Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The journey continues

"Through your suffering, God is expanding your heart so that He can pour more of His love into it."

"It hurts me to see you hurting, but I know that you wouldn't choose any other way."

"You'll have good days and you'll have bad days. Whether you're single or married...whether you're a priest or a nun, there will always be difficulties. But God will be there every step of the way."

I'm so grateful to the friends I have. I'm grateful for the love that surrounds me every day that I haven't been able to appreciate as I should have.

My family and I were sitting around the table for lunch on Sunday, having the annual "What are you giving up for Lent?" discussion.

I thought about giving up meat. I realized yesterday that I need to give up myself. I need to sacrifice the pain from the losses that I have held on to for so many years. I need to sacrifice my pride that keeps me from offering myself more fully to others. I need to sacrifice the fear and the discouragement - the way of thinking that has kept me imprisoned...immobilized...stuck.

I need to give to Jesus my love. I need to give to my students the joy that comes from being faithful to God. I need to give to my family the support and prayers that only family can give. I need to give to my husband my heart...all of it...not just a portion of it but the whole thing.

No, I'm not giving up. I'm giving more.

So willingly I go, forty days with Him among the people.

By grace. AMDG.