"Through your suffering, God is expanding your heart so that He can pour more of His love into it."
"It hurts me to see you hurting, but I know that you wouldn't choose any other way."
"You'll have good days and you'll have bad days. Whether you're single or married...whether you're a priest or a nun, there will always be difficulties. But God will be there every step of the way."
I'm so grateful to the friends I have. I'm grateful for the love that surrounds me every day that I haven't been able to appreciate as I should have.
My family and I were sitting around the table for lunch on Sunday, having the annual "What are you giving up for Lent?" discussion.
I thought about giving up meat. I realized yesterday that I need to give up myself. I need to sacrifice the pain from the losses that I have held on to for so many years. I need to sacrifice my pride that keeps me from offering myself more fully to others. I need to sacrifice the fear and the discouragement - the way of thinking that has kept me imprisoned...immobilized...stuck.
I need to give to Jesus my love. I need to give to my students the joy that comes from being faithful to God. I need to give to my family the support and prayers that only family can give. I need to give to my husband my heart...all of it...not just a portion of it but the whole thing.
No, I'm not giving up. I'm giving more.
So willingly I go, forty days with Him among the people.
By grace. AMDG.
In Search of Me and Finding More of HIM
7 years ago
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