On my way to work, I noticed a bumper sticker on the car in front of me that said,
"Today would be a great day for JESUS to come back."
Glory Defined
by Building 429
There's always a better way
there's always a bridge that needs crossing
there's always the straight and the narrow
the wide and the shallow
But I know that you're guiding me
and the best is yet to come
You've given me hope for tomorrow
and I know some day
I'll wake up to find Your glory defined
and I will finally bow at your feet
I will lift up your name in honor and praise
when I cross over Jordan I know that I'll be running home to you
It's always the simple things
it's always the obvious that crashes over me
It's always in front of me
it helps me to remember
this is what I live for and I can't wait
There's never a question in your message
never a moment without your presence
there's never a doubt in my mind
that I'll wake up to find Your glory defined
and I will finally bow at your feet
I will lift up your name in honor and praise
when I cross over Jordan I know that I'll be running home to you
"There is wisdom in knowing what is inevitable and what, with courage and intelligence, can be changed. Fundamentally though, nothing matters except to have a true and humble desire to do what we know is right."
"Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired."
- Bl. Mother Teresa
"If you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, let Him be your doctrine. Be rooted and built up in Him; let faith be your principle, as you were taught, and your thanksgiving overflowing." (Col 2:6-7)
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