- Knowledge of your unworthiness
- A share of Mary's faith
- The gift of pure love
- Great confidence in God and in Mary
- Communication of the spirit of Mary
- Transformation into the likeness of Jesus
- The greater glory of Christ
It will take some time to see the fullness of the effects of your devotion to Mary in your heart, as it is most important that you humble yourself before her and God so that all obstacles - especially the road blocks of self-love and pride - will be removed. You must begin with yourself. This is why the renunciation of the spirit of the world and knowledge of self were the prerequisites for knowledge of Mary and Jesus. There is much being brought to light in your soul and you cannot deny your faults and weaknesses any longer. They're there and you cannot possibly "ignore them away".
"By the light which the Holy Spirit will give you through Mary, his faithful spouse, you will perceive the evil inclinations of your fallen nature and how incapable you are of any good. Finally, the humble Virgin Mary will share her humility with you so that, although you regard yourself with distaste and desire to be disregarded by others, you will not look down slightingly upon anyone."
To face yourself as you are is to accept truth...to see yourself as God sees you...as His beloved and as dust. Do not be afraid. It may hurt and you will feel shame but it will only lead you closer to Christ because you will acknowledge the power of His grace sustaining you...the depth of His mercy saving you...and the immensity of His love embracing you.
"I bless the Lord who counsels me; even at night my inmost self instructs me. I keep the Lord always before me; for with Him at my right hand, I will never be shaken.
My heart, therefore, exults, my soul rejoices; my body too will rest assured. For You will not abandon my soul to the grave, not will You suffer Your holy one to see decay in the land of the dead. You will show me the path of life, in Your presence the fullness of joy, at Your right hand happiness forever." (Psalm 16:7-11)
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